Sometimes, after a hectic day or week, it's good to unwind while listening to music that simply makes you feel good. Maybe it gives you a boost of hope and faith- I don't know. I can't explain it, but I had a similar experience with a song recently and I wanted to share it. If I'm crazy, I'll beg for your indulgence...
Bethany Dillon's (left) 2005 song "Dreamer" reached through my radio and grabbed me (not literally, that'd be painful!). When I dug deeper into the song, I found rich and powerful lyrics about the value of being a dreamer, especially as a Christian. While daydreaming can get you fired from your job, some times it's good to pause and meditate on the Lord and His will for our lives (don't take it from me, count the number of times the Psalms use the term "selah" which translated means "stop and listen").
Joseph's brothers, who wound up selling him into slavery and faking his death, referred to Joseph as "this dreamer". They, of course, meant it in a derogatory manner but in reality, weren't they really paying Joseph a compliment? If by "dreamer" they meant that Joseph was looking for God's direction in his life and wanted a deeper relationship with God, I'd love to be known as a dreamer, too! Imagination is an incredible gift from God. As I write, I'm watching my daughter line up little chairs in a row while placing a favorite stuffed toy in each chair- she's making a "choo choo". Sometimes as believers, aren't we sold a "bill of goods" by the world which focuses on sight-walking and limited objectives? How many believers live simply just go get through the day, when Jesus talked about bringing His followers "abundant life"? And didn't Paul say that God was "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us"?
So, if my being called a "dreamer" by the world, I can see the world, my life, and God's will from God's perspective, that's more than fine by me. The refrain in Bethany Dillon's song that reached through my radio was this: I am a dreamer/ Take me higher/ Open the sky up/ Start a fire/ I believe/ Even if it's just a dream.
If I, by believing in Jesus, His Word, and His Father am deemed a dreamer and a fool by the world, so be it. There are far worse things to be known by and legacies to leave.
If you want to watch Bethany Dillon's "Dreamer", it can be found here.
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