Thursday, April 3, 2008

Of old green tile, and the meaning of life

OK, so maybe this isn't about the meaning of life after all. But it is about old green tile- lots of it- and its need to be taken up. In one of the rooms at the church is tile similar to what is pictured to the right- only older and dirtier. A group of us began the work of tearing up this tile last night. With putty knives, hammers, crowbars, and hoes inch by inch and tile by tile it came up.

We weren't the only ones working at the church. All around the church building in fact people were working. Hanging curtains, cleaning bathrooms, primering walls, and mopping floors as folks from 2 years old and up worked on various tasks. And still more people had been there earlier in the day performing different tasks.

I began this post about the meaning of life- but then what does old green tile have to do with that? Maybe though, as all sorts of people worked doing various tasks yesterday at the church, part of what life should be about came into focus- serving others. In John 13, as Jesus washes the disciples' feet, he tells them this: "If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you."

Nehemiah said this about the people who rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem: "the people had a mind to work." As Reconciliation Church gets off the ground, I see people all around me with a mind to work and in so doing, serve the Lord and others.

It's a great thing and a privilage to be a part of.

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