Welcome the
Church History Timeline to the "Linkworthy" section (bottom at left). Since the launch of this blog, I've been looking for a good site with a good, solid overview of church history. I believe I've found it, with this disclaimer: just because an event may be listed as noteworthy in church history doesn't mean our church or myself personally agrees with that event. This being said, this website is all in all informative and well done. So, click the above link or the one under "Linkworthy" below and enjoy the journey through church history.

Oh, and the individual at left? That's
John Wycliffe, a man who fervently believed that the Bible should be available in everyday language- not Latin. He is reported to have once told a church bigwig:
If God shall spare my life, I will make it so that a plow boy in England will know more of Holy Scripture than thou.” For his courage, the pope ordered his bones dug up and burned- 44 years after his death.
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