After a couple of weeks in children's church, I can say emphatically that I learn as much (or more) as do the kids. Today was no different. We were talking about God's purpose and plan for our lives and how that for each of us, there's a God-shaped hole that only He can fill inside us. Maybe you've seen or heard of the "pop" culture
phenomena that the combination of coke and mentos candy has caused (if not, you can read here). For those of you who don't know, basically when a package (8-12) mentos are dropped into a two liter of soda, a geyser-like eruption occurs. The science behind this explosive combo can be found here.
So today with a two liter of cherry coke under one arm and a package of mentos in the other, we headed outside to create a geyser for ourselves. We first had a bottle of water, plopping the mentos into the H2O. Nothing happened. We told the kids that this is like when we put the wrong things into that God-shaped hole- whatever it is, nothing happens because God designed Himself to occupy that spot in our lives. You can put whatever you choose into that spot: other people, a job, money, a car, clothes, power, etc and nothing occurs.
Then we did the same thing with the cherry coke. The result was about an eight foot geyser of soda. When you introduce the right thing, the designed reaction occurs. Just like when God fills that hole inside of us- we find our purpose in His plan. We might as well be rocket-powered.
In John 7:38 Jesus said "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." Perhaps for one second those kids saw how this verse works when the mentos were dropped into the coke.
(You can see the reactions of coke and mentos here)