Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Comment: A pundit who gets it...

It isn't often one of these political "talking heads" gets it right but a couple of days ago Fred Barnes (above) did get it right about the controversy surrounding the daughter of Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin, who is 17 and pregnant. Barnes was responding to a question of whether or not this revelation would hurt Palin with religious conservatives. Barnes said this:

I mean these are the people who realize that we're sinful, we're imperfect, and that's why we're Christians, because we need Jesus Christ in our lives.

I don't want the reader to get hung up in the politics of this issue. What I want you to see is one of those rare moments when someone in the secular world, in a secular line of work actually "gets it". Mr. Barnes nailed the essense of the Gospel message in a nutshell. It's rare when these pundits who generate more heat than light say something worth paying attention to, but Mr. Barnes did and he is to be congratulated for it.

Note: the writer's views contained in this post are his and do not necessarily reflect the views of Reconciliation Church.

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