Monday, June 23, 2008

Sunday AM Series: Romans

Pastor Joel Santti: Romans 2:12-29

On God's Law and the people of the Old Covenant

-Gentiles didn't have God's law delivered to them as did the Jews, yet they had a law "written on the heart" in their consciences.

-Those who had God's law boasted in it and became proud and arrogant, forgetting the original purpose of the law.

-see verse 20: a form of knowledge
a form of something is not complete.
Paul spoke of those in the last days who would have a "form of godliness, but denying the power thereof".

-form vs. knowledge: from mind to heart

-vs. 25-29
Circumcision was an outward sign to God but if someone didn't live the inward truth behind that sign, it meant nothing.
We need an inward sign that God is present.

-Our daily challenge is to look into the mirror of the word of God so that we can launch out into our daily walk (see James 1:22-25)

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